Heritage connect
顯示第 1-6 筆資料 (共 6 筆)
1. We Tai O people in this generation
觀看人次: 23
Nowadays, Tai O is a popular tourist spot. The stilt houses along the two sides of its unique waterways, and surrounded by mountains from its three sides - Tai O itself is a gorgeous landscape paintin...
2. 桌桌有漁 = Fish and our lives
觀看人次: 4
Grey mullets and gei wai shrimps are common ingredients we find on the dining table of a Hong Kong household. Located at the northwest of the city, both Mai Po and Inner Deep Bay are nature reserves w...
3. 客家武林 = The Hakka Fist
觀看人次: 1
To find out the origin of their martial art skills, Robert CHEN and his apprentice Diana come all the way from Australia to Hong Kong, just to learn more about the culture of Hakka kung fu. With the m...
4. 活於太平山下的薄扶林村 = Pokfulam Village : a heritage below the Victoria Peak
觀看人次: 17
"Situated in the Southern District on the Hong Kong Island, Pokfulam Village is a village that has a history of over 200 years. Information about Pok Fu Lam could be found as early as in the "Xinan Ga...
5. 漁歌餘韻 = The lamet that lasts
觀看人次: 3
"People of different clans have their own singing cultures. Their unique types of songs were formed according to their living environments. Hakka folk songs are the better known ones while the boat dw...
6. 戰後炮影 = Once fortress : remains of war in Hong Kong
觀看人次: 2
"It has now been over 70 years since the end of the World War II, yet traces of the war in Hong Kong remain unattended by the majority in town, examples are military in terms of onshore batteries, pil...