
A week in politics

顯示第 1-10 筆資料 (共 13 筆)

1. New series ; SARS Expert Committee Report


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If a week is a long time in politics, then three months can seem like an age. Tonight, the first programme of a new series kicks off with a review of the major developments in the territory since the ...

2. Legal battles over Victoria Harbour reclamation


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Reports on the legal battles over the reclamation works now going on in the harbour. The court has now ruled that the government can't continue with its work pending a court of final appearl hearing i...

3. Harbour Fest ; C.E.'s Q and A


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Tonight's programme reports on the controversy dogging the Harbour Fest. While the event's organisers and its government backers insist that the SAR will benefit locally and internationally, critics i...

4. Mini-budget ; C.E. and the democrats


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In tonight's programme, politicians and economists respond to this week's "mini-budget"" from the Financial Secretary, Henry Tang. Also, the democratic camp voices hope for a new era of better underst...

5. New SARS investigation ; China's first man in space arrives in Hong Kong


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Tonight's programme looks ahead to the forthcoming Legco select committee inquiry in the handling of the SARS outbreak earlier this year. There's also news of astronaut Yang Liwei's arrival in the ter...

6. EOC chairman's resignation ; Harbour Fest finale


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Tonight's programme reports on the controversy surrounding the Equal Opportunities Commission. With the chairman, former judge Michael Wong announcing his resignation, citing "political persecution"",...

7. Education Secretary denies 30 per cent university spending cut ; Home Affairs chief questioned in EOC row


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Tonight's studio guest is the Education Secretary, Arthur Li, who tells presenter Janine Graham that a 30 per cent cut in university funding is "highly unlikely"". The university heads have voiced fea...

8. Education update ; West Kowloon cultural development


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Tonight's programme follows developments in the row over cuts in university funding. while the the Education Secretary meets students to explain his position, the heads of two universities say they ma...

9. District Council elections District ; Equal Opportunities Commission row goes on


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In tonight's programme, presenter Janine Graham quizzes the Secretary for Constitutional Affairs, Stephen Lam, on the big gains for the pro-democracy forces in the District Council elections. There's ...

10. CE in Beijing ; Debate on appointments system


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Tonight's programme follows the Chief Executive's visit to Beijing this week, which followed the setback for main government supporting party in the district council elections. There's also a report o...