Hong Kong connection
Showing 1-4 of 4 results
1. English teachers abroad
Looks at English teachers in Hong Kong under the Expatriate English Language Teachers Pilot Scheme; Analyses the effect, cost and shortage of the scheme. Expatriate teachers appear to tell problems th...
2. War on the medical front
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Looks at English teachers in Hong Kong under the Expatriate English Language Teachers Pilot Scheme; Analyses the effect, cost and shortage of the scheme. Expatriate teachers appear to tell problems th...
3. Victoria Harbour
Talks about the reclamation project in the Victoria Harbour and how local organizations oppose to it. The backwardness of government urban development and planning and the adverse effects it may brin...
4. The street children
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Looks at the homeless children in the Saigon Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam. It examines why the homeless children, they are from poverty stricken towns and villages, have to beg in the street, how they ...